The benefits of clean technology
Improves the environmental balance sheet
Cost reduction
Enhanced technical performance
Improved productivity and competitiveness
Heightened positioning in the value chain
Increased sustainability
Improved corporate image
Talent attraction/staff retention
Cost reduction : Clean technologies allow better management of resources (energy, water, materials) and residual materials.
Enhanced technical performance : Reducing consumption through the use of clean technologies often generates a performance gain.
Improved productivity and competitiveness : With less reliance on resources and faster adaptation to regulatory compliance, clean technologies make organizations more productive and competitive.
Improvement in the environmental balance sheet : Clean technologies are based on an improved environmental balance sheet, which remains one of the most-cited benefits among companies that have adopted them.
Talent attraction/staff retention : The adoption of clean technologies makes it possible to demonstrate a company’s level of commitment to sustainable development, a factor that is increasingly important for workers.
Improved corporate image : Organizations that have implemented clean technologies benefit from a positive image (media reporting, recognition, awards, etc.) related to their visible commitment to sustainable development.
Heightened positioning in the value chain : The adoption of clean technology improves the positioning of the various players in the market as a customer or supplier.
Increased sustainability : Clean technologies often make it possible to increase the sustainability of installations and equipment because they were designed to be more durable during the design phase.
Acquiring Clean Technologies
The purpose of this step is to establish a framework for deliberations before the adoption of clean technologies :
- What needs or issues can be solved by clean technology
- Which parties should be involved?
Les Grands Rendez-Vous and inno+ are two structured and growth-generating initiatives that can help you with this process.
With a situational analysis, a portrait can be composed in order to find a technology adapted to the context, especially in terms of :
- Return on investment
- Adaptations to be made
- Reducing environmental impacts
This situational analysis may take many forms :
- A report or a characterization (water, energy, residual materials)
- A portrait of the value chain
- A study of the economic, environmental and social gains
The presence of an expert in the field helps to avoid any rebound or other negative effect.
The Fonds Écoleader and our members directory can provide support in this process.
Several funding opportunities are available to support an organization in its search for financing to implement clean technology.
The implementation stage is generally carried out in the company of the supplier, who establishes the best periods for carrying out the installation according to the organization’s operating conditions. It also assumes responsibility for :
- employee training
- technical support
The adoption of clean technologies is a process of continuous improvement. It is therefore important to observe and adjust systems and equipment following implementation. Measuring the positive effects post-implementation encourages teams to get involved in the improvement process.
Submit your application for a chance to receive a Eurêka! award for adopting clean technology!